Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies

May 24 & 25, 2018

3rd International Conference on Education and Humanities

"Emerging Realities in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Societies"

Call for Proposals and Papers

We invite submissions from various disciplines that explore the following sub-themes. Topics that embody the main conference theme, but may not be captured in the sub-themes will also be considered.

Preparing digital citizens

Social Media Impact

Promoting and Protecting Human Rights in Digital Societies

Promoting Language Literacy using Digital Technologies

Public and Mental Health in a Digital Age

Contemporary Challenges for National Security in a Changing Digital World

Guidelines for Submission
Abstracts are required for all formats. Papers, posters, and symposia submissions must include:

All submissions should be saved as MS Word and submitted by email to: felsconference@utech.edu.jm

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: February 28, 2018.
Date of Notification of acceptance of Abstracts: Decision on abstracts will be provided via email by March 16, 2018.
Deadline for submission of full conference papers: Full papers must be submitted by April 23, 2018.