Call for Proposals and Papers
We invite submissions from various disciplines that explore the following sub-themes. Topics that embody the main conference theme, but may not be captured in the sub-themes will also be considered.
Preparing digital citizens
- Maximising digital technologies in 21st century education
- Investing in digital learning environments
- Industrial technology and engineering education using digital tools
- Technology, research, and social innovation
- Preparing families and communities for the digital age
Social Media Impact
- Truth, facts, or fiction in the information age
- Digital footprints and online safety
- Opportunities for culture, business and entrepreneurship
- Political communication
Promoting and Protecting Human Rights in Digital Societies
- Freedom, responsibility and human sexuality
- Vulnerable/ marginalized groups and digital divides
- Advocacy and Youth empowerment
Promoting Language Literacy using Digital Technologies
- Emerging language strategies and assessment models in the digital world
- Convergence of digital and academic literacies
- Facing the realities of multiple literacies in language teaching
Public and Mental Health in a Digital Age
- Digital technology use in health promotion, prevention, and treatment
- Trolling and cyber bullying
- Internet addiction, information overload, and well-being
Contemporary Challenges for National Security in a Changing Digital World
- Human trafficking
- Cyber security threats, risks, and resilience
- Legislation gaps
Guidelines for Submission
Abstracts are required for all formats. Papers, posters, and symposia submissions must include:
- the sub-theme
- a title (10-20 words)
- an abstract (200 to 250 words) with keywords
- author's name and email addresses
- institutional affiliation
- panel submissions must have separate entries for each presentation
All submissions should be saved as MS Word and submitted by email to:
Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: February 28, 2018.
Date of Notification of acceptance of Abstracts: Decision on abstracts will be provided via email by March 16, 2018.
Deadline for submission of full conference papers: Full papers must be submitted by April 23, 2018.